The Challenge: How can we simplify the currently complex application to make it easier and increase adoption rate?
The original application had a lot going on in it (almost as much as the desktop application) and there lies the problem. Users weren't looking for a mobile solution to the desktop app.
They just needed to get access to the spread sheets to enter their data. They needed to access customer information, billing and drying schedules. So I needed to remove a lot of bloatware in order to make the tool
useable and easier to navigate.
Interacting with the original mobile application was extremely difficult. The app was on a slow framework (so double/triple taps happened) and basic app usability was missed, like how large a tappable area should be,
scalable font sizes and basic contrasts.
Users weren't able to properly target what they wanted to interact with. They also weren't able to read/see everything that they wanted to.